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Red has a feedback rating of 613.
Feedback ratings are calculated by adding all positive comments and subtracting any negative comments. Neutral and Rebuttal remarks affect neither the rating nor the "positive feedback percentage". If you have received a Negative remark and wish to add a rebuttal remark to your own feedback, please contact the administrator, and provide your username, and your comment (80 characters only). See the summary to the right for a breakdown of all comments including neutrals. Scroll down to read comments left by others for Red.

Positive feedback percentage: 100.0%

Red 's Profile   Red (613) 500-999
Feedback Summary

6 Months
Positive 0 1 1 613 (from 117 unique users)
Neutral 0 0 0 0 (from 0 unique users)
Negative 0 0 0 0 (from 0 unique users)
Total 0 1 1 613 (from 117 unique users)
Red 's feedback
Leave Feedback Red was the Seller = S
for Red Red was the Buyer = B
Left by Date Feedback Left Item# S/B
Timmy (749) 500-999 Sat Apr 27 02:39:36 2024 cultivarshaspider1705333507 S
Praise:Excellent Plants!!
Daylilydaze (841) 500-999 Thu Apr 26 20:00:03 2018 cultivarshaspider51514263430 S
Praise:Good Seeds,Great plants, Red is a dandy to do business with,highly recomend
Daylilydaze (841) 500-999 Thu Apr 26 20:00:03 2018 seedsdaylily1513223645 S
Praise:Good Seeds,Great plants, Red is a dandy to do business with,highly recomend
Daylilydaze (841) 500-999 Thu Apr 26 20:00:03 2018 seedsdaylily1513383781 S
Praise:Good Seeds,Great plants, Red is a dandy to do business with,highly recomend
Greenjeans (139) 50-499 Sat Apr 14 12:03:52 2018 storespider21522511136 S
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:08:05 2018 seedsdaylily1389493733 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:08:05 2018 seedsdaylily1389495166 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:08:05 2018 seedsdaylily1390097196 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:08:05 2018 seedsdaylily1390097857 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:07:25 2018 seedsdaylily1390099014 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:07:25 2018 seedsdaylily1390099418 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:07:25 2018 cultivarshaspider1390183899 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:07:25 2018 seedsdaylily1390702018 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:07:25 2018 seedsdaylily1390702503 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:07:25 2018 seedsdaylily1390702821 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:07:25 2018 seedsdaylily1390702894 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:07:25 2018 seedsdaylily1390703286 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:07:25 2018 seedsdaylily1390704163 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:07:25 2018 seedsdaylily1390704785 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:07:25 2018 seedsdaylily1391309983 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:07:25 2018 seedsdaylily1511661511 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:07:25 2018 seedsdaylily1511661935 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:07:25 2018 seedsdaylily1511661994 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:07:25 2018 seedsdaylily1511662556 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:07:25 2018 seedsdaylily1511663984 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:07:25 2018 seedsdaylily1511664358 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:07:25 2018 seedsdaylily1511664600 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:07:25 2018 seedsdaylily1512266593 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:07:25 2018 seedsdaylily1512267203 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:06:48 2018 seedsdaylily1512268833 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:06:48 2018 seedsdaylily1512268998 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:06:48 2018 seedsdaylily1512269344 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:06:48 2018 seedsdaylily1512269431 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:06:48 2018 seedsdaylily1512871969 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:06:48 2018 seedsdaylily1512872663 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:06:48 2018 seedsdaylily1513477245 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:06:48 2018 seedsdaylily1513478263 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:06:48 2018 seedsdaylily1514081201 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:06:48 2018 seedsdaylily1514082045 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:06:48 2018 seedsdaylily1514082442 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:06:48 2018 seedsdaylily1514082605 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:06:48 2018 seedsdaylily1514083234 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:06:48 2018 seedsdaylily1514084582 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:06:48 2018 seedsdaylily1514685698 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:06:48 2018 seedsdaylily1515293415 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:06:48 2018 seedsdaylily1515898244 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:06:48 2018 seedsdaylily1517105906 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:06:48 2018 seedsdaylily1517106330 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:06:47 2018 seedsdaylily1517108335 B
Praise:Great return bidder! Always a pleasure! Thank you ever so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:05:31 2018 seedsdaylily1517709753 B
Praise:Excellent return bidder with prompt payment and good communication! Many thanks
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:05:31 2018 seedsdaylily1517710287 B
Praise:Excellent return bidder with prompt payment and good communication! Many thanks
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:05:31 2018 seedsdaylily1517711153 B
Praise:Excellent return bidder with prompt payment and good communication! Many thanks
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:05:31 2018 seedsdaylily1517711318 B
Praise:Excellent return bidder with prompt payment and good communication! Many thanks
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:05:31 2018 seedsdaylily1517711489 B
Praise:Excellent return bidder with prompt payment and good communication! Many thanks
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:05:31 2018 seedsdaylily1517713099 B
Praise:Excellent return bidder with prompt payment and good communication! Many thanks
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:05:31 2018 seedsdaylily1518315083 B
Praise:Excellent return bidder with prompt payment and good communication! Many thanks
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:05:30 2018 seedsdaylily1518315299 B
Praise:Excellent return bidder with prompt payment and good communication! Many thanks
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:05:30 2018 seedsdaylily1518315663 B
Praise:Excellent return bidder with prompt payment and good communication! Many thanks
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:05:30 2018 seedsdaylily1518317269 B
Praise:Excellent return bidder with prompt payment and good communication! Many thanks
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:05:30 2018 seedsdaylily1519524682 B
Praise:Excellent return bidder with prompt payment and good communication! Many thanks
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:05:30 2018 seedsdaylily1519524878 B
Praise:Excellent return bidder with prompt payment and good communication! Many thanks
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:05:30 2018 seedsdaylily1519525890 B
Praise:Excellent return bidder with prompt payment and good communication! Many thanks
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:05:30 2018 seedsdaylily1519526684 B
Praise:Excellent return bidder with prompt payment and good communication! Many thanks
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:05:30 2018 seedsdaylily1520130938 B
Praise:Excellent return bidder with prompt payment and good communication! Many thanks
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:05:30 2018 seedsdaylily1520131631 B
Praise:Excellent return bidder with prompt payment and good communication! Many thanks
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:05:30 2018 seedsdaylily1520734289 B
Praise:Excellent return bidder with prompt payment and good communication! Many thanks
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:05:30 2018 seedsdaylily1520735118 B
Praise:Excellent return bidder with prompt payment and good communication! Many thanks
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:05:30 2018 seedsdaylily1520735213 B
Praise:Excellent return bidder with prompt payment and good communication! Many thanks
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 18 06:05:30 2018 seedsdaylily1520735882 B
Praise:Excellent return bidder with prompt payment and good communication! Many thanks
Weedyankee (312) 50-499 Wed Mar 14 16:35:28 2018 storespider11522511136 S
Praise:Nice looking seeds! thanks
Milica48 (494) 50-499 Fri Mar 9 10:26:08 2018 seedsdaylily1513297600 S
Praise:Super seeds of 90 pieces 85 germinated!
Milica48 (494) 50-499 Fri Mar 9 10:24:44 2018 seedsdaylily1513449552 S
Praise:Super seeds of 90 pieces 85 germinated!
Milica48 (494) 50-499 Fri Mar 9 10:24:09 2018 seedsdaylily1513542583 S
Praise:Super seeds of 90 pieces 85 germinated!
Seerp (543) 500-999 Fri Mar 2 02:57:42 2018 seedsdaylily21516031379 S
Praise:Great seeds which are already growing well. Thanks a lot!
Seerp (543) 500-999 Fri Mar 2 02:57:42 2018 seedsdaylily21515963530 S
Praise:Great seeds which are already growing well. Thanks a lot!
Savageexotics (136) 50-499 Tue Feb 6 22:39:08 2018 seedsdaylily1513644014 S
Praise:Perfect and plump seeds! Fantastic packing.. Thank you!!
Karuru (22) 10-49 Tue Jan 9 18:17:23 2018 seedsdaylily21514667416 S
Praise:Thanks very much for your great service.
Timmy (749) 500-999 Fri Jan 5 17:09:52 2018 seedsdaylily1513466903 S
Praise:Excellent seeds, communication and Bonus!!!!!!
Timmy (749) 500-999 Fri Jan 5 17:09:52 2018 seedsdaylily1513475361 S
Praise:Excellent seeds, communication and Bonus!!!!!!
Timmy (749) 500-999 Fri Jan 5 17:09:52 2018 seedsdaylily1513479936 S
Praise:Excellent seeds, communication and Bonus!!!!!!
Timmy (749) 500-999 Fri Jan 5 17:09:52 2018 seedsdaylily1513557119 S
Praise:Excellent seeds, communication and Bonus!!!!!!
Timmy (749) 500-999 Fri Jan 5 17:09:52 2018 seedsdaylily1513559961 S
Praise:Excellent seeds, communication and Bonus!!!!!!
Timmy (749) 500-999 Fri Jan 5 17:09:52 2018 seedsdaylily1513559975 S
Praise:Excellent seeds, communication and Bonus!!!!!!
Timmy (749) 500-999 Fri Jan 5 17:09:52 2018 seedsdaylily61514667416 S
Praise:Excellent seeds, communication and Bonus!!!!!!
Cassa (7975) 5000-9999 Mon Apr 3 11:39:28 2017 seedsdaylily1490145749 B
Praise:A pleasure to deal with-thank you!
Mthrnatur (14406) Over 10000 Mon Mar 20 06:17:09 2017 seedsdaylily1489087836 B
Praise:Excellent communication and prompt payment.
Mthrnatur (14406) Over 10000 Sun Mar 5 15:14:52 2017 seedsdaylily1488128737 B
Praise:Great buyer, excellent communication and prompt payment.
Maya (2337) 1000-4999 Sun Mar 5 11:20:07 2017 seedsdaylily1488068370 B
Praise:Wonderful customer. Thank you!
Maya (2337) 1000-4999 Sat Feb 18 16:55:21 2017 seedsdaylily1486858490 B
Praise:Wonderful customer. Thank you!
Mthrnatur (14406) Over 10000 Sun May 1 08:25:48 2016 seedsdaylily1459636081 B
Praise:Excellent communication and timely payment.
Mthrnatur (14406) Over 10000 Wed Mar 30 09:19:57 2016 seedsdaylily1458441748 B
Praise:Great buyer, excellent communication and prompt payment.
Mthrnatur (14406) Over 10000 Wed Mar 30 09:19:57 2016 seedsdaylily1458686816 B
Praise:Great buyer, excellent communication and prompt payment.
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Tue Mar 22 16:03:03 2016 seedsdaylily1457816843 B
Praise:always a pleasure-thank you!
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Tue Mar 22 16:03:03 2016 seedsdaylily1458411904 B
Praise:always a pleasure-thank you!
Sunray (332) 50-499 Wed Apr 15 17:57:48 2015 seedsdaylily1427156471 S
Praise:Secure delivery-healthy seeds-thanks for the extras
Abadaylilies (117) 50-499 Tue Apr 14 11:46:37 2015 seedsdaylily1428185005 S
Praise:The 50 shiny spider seed arrived in the mail today, April 14. Thanks. Binion
Mthrnatur (14406) Over 10000 Wed Apr 8 04:23:14 2015 seedsdaylily1424976490 B
Praise:Excellent communication and timely payment.
Caruso (3063) 1000-4999 Sat Mar 14 01:06:37 2015 seedsdaylily1425845936 B
Praise:Thanks for your bid and much success with the seeds!
Emery (8424) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 8 17:09:52 2015 seedsdaylily21422828959 B
Praise:All paid up! Always a pleasure!! Thanks Rich. A+++
Emery (8424) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 8 17:09:52 2015 seedsdaylily1425845046 B
Praise:All paid up! Always a pleasure!! Thanks Rich. A+++
Emery (8424) 5000-9999 Sun Mar 8 17:09:52 2015 seedsdaylily1425846433 B
Praise:All paid up! Always a pleasure!! Thanks Rich. A+++
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 23 05:41:14 2015 seedsdaylily1422756331 B
Praise:Fast, friendly, fantastic! Always a pleasure! So many thanks again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 23 05:41:14 2015 seedsdaylily1422756403 B
Praise:Fast, friendly, fantastic! Always a pleasure! So many thanks again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 23 05:41:14 2015 seedsdaylily1422756487 B
Praise:Fast, friendly, fantastic! Always a pleasure! So many thanks again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 23 05:41:14 2015 seedsdaylily1422756817 B
Praise:Fast, friendly, fantastic! Always a pleasure! So many thanks again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 23 05:41:14 2015 seedsdaylily1422757177 B
Praise:Fast, friendly, fantastic! Always a pleasure! So many thanks again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 23 05:41:14 2015 seedsdaylily1422757809 B
Praise:Fast, friendly, fantastic! Always a pleasure! So many thanks again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 23 05:41:14 2015 seedsdaylily1423967502 B
Praise:Fast, friendly, fantastic! Always a pleasure! So many thanks again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 23 05:41:14 2015 seedsdaylily1423968326 B
Praise:Fast, friendly, fantastic! Always a pleasure! So many thanks again!
Mthrnatur (14406) Over 10000 Sun Feb 22 14:52:54 2015 seedsdaylily1422406129 B
Praise:Great communication and prompt payment.
Mthrnatur (14406) Over 10000 Sun Feb 22 14:52:54 2015 seedsdaylily1424350612 B
Praise:Great communication and prompt payment.
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Jan 18 08:28:29 2015 seedsdaylily1420338498 B
Praise:Wonderful return bidder! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Jan 18 08:28:29 2015 seedsdaylily1420339019 B
Praise:Wonderful return bidder! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Jan 18 08:28:29 2015 seedsdaylily1420941244 B
Praise:Wonderful return bidder! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Jan 18 08:28:29 2015 seedsdaylily1420941423 B
Praise:Wonderful return bidder! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Jan 18 08:28:29 2015 seedsdaylily1420942328 B
Praise:Wonderful return bidder! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Jan 18 08:28:29 2015 seedsdaylily1420943120 B
Praise:Wonderful return bidder! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Jan 18 08:28:29 2015 seedsdaylily1420943207 B
Praise:Wonderful return bidder! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Jan 18 08:28:29 2015 seedsdaylily1420943721 B
Praise:Wonderful return bidder! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sun Jan 18 08:28:29 2015 seedsdaylily1420943901 B
Praise:Wonderful return bidder! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Thu Jan 1 09:20:30 2015 seedsdaylily1417917926 B
Praise:Stunningly spectacular return bidder! So many thanks and Happy New Year!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Thu Jan 1 09:20:30 2015 seedsdaylily1419127612 B
Praise:Stunningly spectacular return bidder! So many thanks and Happy New Year!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Thu Jan 1 09:20:30 2015 seedsdaylily1419127902 B
Praise:Stunningly spectacular return bidder! So many thanks and Happy New Year!
Mthrnatur (14406) Over 10000 Thu Jan 1 08:08:08 2015 seedsdaylily1417554442 B
Praise:Excellent communication and prompt payment.
Mthrnatur (14406) Over 10000 Thu Jan 1 08:08:07 2015 seedsdaylily1419720912 B
Praise:Excellent communication and prompt payment.
Mthrnatur (14406) Over 10000 Thu Jan 1 08:08:07 2015 seedsdaylily1419777280 B
Praise:Excellent communication and prompt payment.
Liliowce (4) Sat May 24 16:41:36 2014 seedsdaylily1390692745 S
Praise:Great seller! Excellent germination. Thank you for the extras!
Liliowce (4) Sat May 24 16:40:52 2014 seedsdaylily1390872634 S
Praise:Great seller! Excellent germantion. Thank you for the extras!
Narrowminded (4520) 1000-4999 Sat May 24 08:32:28 2014 cultivarshaspider1389485317 S
Praise:many thanks
Pandoragardens (1142) 1000-4999 Mon May 19 18:45:30 2014 seedlings1391972892 S
Praise:Gorgeous Healthy Fans as Always! Thanks for the extras! A+++ Seller!
Roseyposy (363) 50-499 Tue May 6 04:43:21 2014 seedsdaylily1390178562 S
Praise:Fantastic - generous packets thanks for sending to UK
Roseyposy (363) 50-499 Tue May 6 04:43:21 2014 seedsdaylily1391641505 S
Praise:Fantastic - generous packets thanks for sending to UK
Roseyposy (363) 50-499 Tue May 6 04:43:21 2014 seedsdaylily1391977761 S
Praise:Fantastic - generous packets thanks for sending to UK
Eustaceseeds (2127) 1000-4999 Tue Apr 29 19:34:07 2014 seedsdaylily21396829746 B
Praise:Instant pay buyer! Highly Recommended!!! A++ thank you
Eustaceseeds (2127) 1000-4999 Tue Apr 29 19:34:07 2014 seedsdaylily11398907565 B
Praise:Instant pay buyer! Highly Recommended!!! A++ thank you
Pandoragardens (1142) 1000-4999 Sat Apr 19 21:10:57 2014 seedlings1391569540 S
Praise:THANK YOU! Truly impressive plants. Very generous of you. Incredible value! A+++
Mthrnatur (14406) Over 10000 Fri Apr 18 18:31:46 2014 seedsdaylily1396791190 B
Praise:Excellent communication and prompt payment--A+!
Mthrnatur (14406) Over 10000 Fri Apr 18 18:31:46 2014 seedsdaylily1397324668 B
Praise:Excellent communication and prompt payment--A+!
Mthrnatur (14406) Over 10000 Fri Apr 18 18:31:46 2014 seedsdaylily1397575667 B
Praise:Excellent communication and prompt payment--A+!
5854white (554) 500-999 Fri Apr 18 10:49:39 2014 seedlings1389835879 S
Praise:Very pleased with shipment, nice 'n green, more that 3 fans each A++++++++++
Ginnylynn (300) 50-499 Wed Apr 16 19:21:50 2014 cultivarshaspider1389027399 S
Praise:Thank you so much! fast shipping! ! thanks for the gift!
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Tue Mar 25 07:07:16 2014 seedsdaylily1394306300 B
Praise:always a pleasure-thank you!
Daylilysquire (1458) 1000-4999 Mon Mar 24 07:49:19 2014 seedsdaylily1387848606 S
Praise:Great seeds and excellent germination!! Thanks Rich!!!
Daylilysquire (1458) 1000-4999 Mon Mar 24 07:49:19 2014 seedsdaylily1388907659 S
Praise:Great seeds and excellent germination!! Thanks Rich!!!
Daylilysquire (1458) 1000-4999 Thu Mar 13 11:59:29 2014 seedsdaylily21385259653 B
Praise:Fast payment....Thanks Rich......Enjoy your seeds!!!!
Glorybee (281) 50-499 Sat Mar 8 18:42:59 2014 seedsdaylily21388769437 S
Praise:Good 1st time instant buy experience. Nice looking seeds. Thanks!
Rdinkins (164) 50-499 Tue Feb 25 05:40:32 2014 seedsdaylily1391311198 S
Rdinkins (164) 50-499 Tue Feb 25 05:40:32 2014 seedsdaylily21391307674 S
Rdinkins (164) 50-499 Tue Feb 25 05:40:32 2014 seedsdaylily1391305002 S
Tammy78 (2474) 1000-4999 Sun Feb 23 20:37:07 2014 seedsdaylily31388766841 S
Praise:thank you for the nice healthy seeds bonus:) I can't wait to grow them!
Tammy78 (2474) 1000-4999 Sun Feb 23 20:37:07 2014 seedsdaylily151388769437 S
Praise:thank you for the nice healthy seeds bonus:) I can't wait to grow them!
Tammy78 (2474) 1000-4999 Sun Feb 23 20:37:07 2014 seedsdaylily1388359166 S
Praise:thank you for the nice healthy seeds bonus:) I can't wait to grow them!
Tammy78 (2474) 1000-4999 Sun Feb 23 20:37:07 2014 seedsdaylily1388284560 S
Praise:thank you for the nice healthy seeds bonus:) I can't wait to grow them!
Red_fox (1708) 1000-4999 Sat Feb 22 16:00:45 2014 seedsdaylily1392167508 S
Praise:Received Nice Seeds, Thank you for the Bonus seeds.
Red_fox (1708) 1000-4999 Sat Feb 22 16:00:45 2014 seedsdaylily1392171304 S
Praise:Received Nice Seeds, Thank you for the Bonus seeds.
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Fri Feb 21 05:38:08 2014 seedsdaylily1392496312 B
Praise:always a pleasure-thanks!
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Fri Feb 21 05:38:08 2014 seedsdaylily1392496390 B
Praise:always a pleasure-thanks!
Jules (1042) 1000-4999 Tue Feb 18 12:42:16 2014 seedsdaylily1389230437 S
Praise:WOW! So many fine seeds. LOT of extras & interesting bonus too.Many thanks Rich
Jules (1042) 1000-4999 Tue Feb 18 12:42:16 2014 seedsdaylily1389229621 S
Praise:WOW! So many fine seeds. LOT of extras & interesting bonus too.Many thanks Rich
Jules (1042) 1000-4999 Tue Feb 18 12:42:16 2014 seedsdaylily41389319197 S
Praise:WOW! So many fine seeds. LOT of extras & interesting bonus too.Many thanks Rich
Jules (1042) 1000-4999 Tue Feb 18 12:42:16 2014 seedsdaylily1390177710 S
Praise:WOW! So many fine seeds. LOT of extras & interesting bonus too.Many thanks Rich
Jules (1042) 1000-4999 Tue Feb 18 12:42:16 2014 cultivarshaspider1390776964 S
Praise:WOW! So many fine seeds. LOT of extras & interesting bonus too.Many thanks Rich
Tas (163) 50-499 Tue Feb 18 10:49:04 2014 seedsdaylily131389937273 S
Praise:GREAT seed ,good packing,arrived quickly THANK YOU;******
Tas (163) 50-499 Tue Feb 18 10:49:04 2014 seedsdaylily111388771438 S
Praise:GREAT seed ,good packing,arrived quickly THANK YOU;******
Tas (163) 50-499 Tue Feb 18 10:49:04 2014 seedsdaylily131388769437 S
Praise:GREAT seed ,good packing,arrived quickly THANK YOU;******
Tas (163) 50-499 Tue Feb 18 10:49:04 2014 seedsdaylily11388766841 S
Praise:GREAT seed ,good packing,arrived quickly THANK YOU;******
Ccgarden (213) 50-499 Sun Feb 16 07:23:13 2014 seedsdaylily21387977372 S
Praise:Great Seller, Perfect Transaction A+
Ccgarden (213) 50-499 Sun Feb 16 07:23:13 2014 seedsdaylily1387980797 S
Praise:Great Seller, Perfect Transaction A+
Ccgarden (213) 50-499 Sun Feb 16 07:23:13 2014 seedsdaylily21387981232 S
Praise:Great Seller, Perfect Transaction A+
Ccgarden (213) 50-499 Sun Feb 16 07:23:13 2014 seedsdaylily1387982673 S
Praise:Great Seller, Perfect Transaction A+
Ccgarden (213) 50-499 Sun Feb 16 07:23:13 2014 seedsdaylily1387991319 S
Praise:Great Seller, Perfect Transaction A+
Ccgarden (213) 50-499 Sun Feb 16 07:23:13 2014 seedsdaylily1388032325 S
Praise:Great Seller, Perfect Transaction A+
Ccgarden (213) 50-499 Sun Feb 16 07:23:13 2014 seedsdaylily21388031790 S
Praise:Great Seller, Perfect Transaction A+
Ccgarden (213) 50-499 Sun Feb 16 07:23:13 2014 seedsdaylily1388031920 S
Praise:Great Seller, Perfect Transaction A+
Manx99 (116) 50-499 Thu Feb 13 07:32:38 2014 seedsdaylily21388668052 S
Praise:Nice seeds, great crosses, fast delivery!!!!
Seacrest (914) 500-999 Mon Feb 10 22:25:06 2014 seedsdaylily171388769437 S
Praise:Arrived today & they look great....Thank you....+++++ 5 STARS +++++
Seacrest (914) 500-999 Mon Feb 10 22:25:06 2014 seedsdaylily1388630239 S
Praise:Arrived today & they look great....Thank you....+++++ 5 STARS +++++
Irchr (58) 50-499 Thu Feb 6 15:14:34 2014 seedsdaylily21389937273 S
Praise:Very kind, hadproblems and surgery and they stayed with me
Emery (8424) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 6 07:25:32 2014 seedsdaylily21388093850 B
Praise:All paid up! A pleasure!! Thanks Rich. A+++
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 6 02:50:30 2014 seedsdaylily1387679958 B
Praise:Fast, friendly and fantastic! Thanks so very much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 6 02:50:30 2014 seedsdaylily1388282594 B
Praise:Fast, friendly and fantastic! Thanks so very much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 6 02:50:30 2014 seedsdaylily1388282788 B
Praise:Fast, friendly and fantastic! Thanks so very much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 6 02:50:30 2014 seedsdaylily1388283645 B
Praise:Fast, friendly and fantastic! Thanks so very much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 6 02:50:30 2014 seedsdaylily1388283809 B
Praise:Fast, friendly and fantastic! Thanks so very much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 6 02:50:30 2014 seedsdaylily1388284221 B
Praise:Fast, friendly and fantastic! Thanks so very much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 6 02:50:30 2014 seedsdaylily1388284321 B
Praise:Fast, friendly and fantastic! Thanks so very much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 6 02:50:30 2014 seedsdaylily1388284851 B
Praise:Fast, friendly and fantastic! Thanks so very much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 6 02:50:30 2014 seedsdaylily1388284942 B
Praise:Fast, friendly and fantastic! Thanks so very much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 6 02:50:30 2014 seedsdaylily1388887443 B
Praise:Fast, friendly and fantastic! Thanks so very much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 6 02:50:30 2014 seedsdaylily1388888472 B
Praise:Fast, friendly and fantastic! Thanks so very much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 6 02:50:30 2014 seedsdaylily1388889030 B
Praise:Fast, friendly and fantastic! Thanks so very much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 6 02:50:30 2014 seedsdaylily1388889193 B
Praise:Fast, friendly and fantastic! Thanks so very much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 6 02:50:30 2014 seedsdaylily1388889598 B
Praise:Fast, friendly and fantastic! Thanks so very much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 6 02:50:30 2014 seedsdaylily1388890332 B
Praise:Fast, friendly and fantastic! Thanks so very much again!
Spidermom (822) 500-999 Tue Dec 31 12:01:33 2013 seedsdaylily1385868807 B
Praise:Always a pleasure, Rich! Thanks again!
Spidermom (822) 500-999 Tue Dec 31 12:01:33 2013 seedsdaylily1385863519 B
Praise:Always a pleasure, Rich! Thanks again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 19 04:25:23 2013 seedsdaylily1385864945 B
Praise:Extraordinarily special return bidder! Always a pleasure! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 19 04:25:23 2013 seedsdaylily1385865159 B
Praise:Extraordinarily special return bidder! Always a pleasure! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 19 04:25:23 2013 seedsdaylily1385866334 B
Praise:Extraordinarily special return bidder! Always a pleasure! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 19 04:25:23 2013 seedsdaylily1386468790 B
Praise:Extraordinarily special return bidder! Always a pleasure! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 19 04:25:23 2013 seedsdaylily1386469256 B
Praise:Extraordinarily special return bidder! Always a pleasure! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 19 04:25:23 2013 seedsdaylily1386469695 B
Praise:Extraordinarily special return bidder! Always a pleasure! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 19 04:25:23 2013 seedsdaylily1386470009 B
Praise:Extraordinarily special return bidder! Always a pleasure! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 19 04:25:23 2013 seedsdaylily1387073816 B
Praise:Extraordinarily special return bidder! Always a pleasure! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 19 04:25:23 2013 seedsdaylily1387074004 B
Praise:Extraordinarily special return bidder! Always a pleasure! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 19 04:25:23 2013 seedsdaylily1387074176 B
Praise:Extraordinarily special return bidder! Always a pleasure! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 19 04:25:23 2013 seedsdaylily1387074364 B
Praise:Extraordinarily special return bidder! Always a pleasure! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 19 04:25:23 2013 seedsdaylily1387074533 B
Praise:Extraordinarily special return bidder! Always a pleasure! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 19 04:25:23 2013 seedsdaylily1387074881 B
Praise:Extraordinarily special return bidder! Always a pleasure! So many thanks!
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Tue Dec 10 11:44:30 2013 seedsdaylily1385843075 B
Praise:super repeat customer-thanks Rich!
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Tue Dec 10 11:44:30 2013 seedsdaylily1385843426 B
Praise:super repeat customer-thanks Rich!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Dec 3 12:09:55 2013 seedsdaylily1382835237 B
Praise:A distinctive pleasure to deal with! Many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Dec 3 12:09:32 2013 seedsdaylily1383441086 B
Praise:Gotta love Red! Thanks so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Dec 3 12:09:00 2013 seedsdaylily1384049570 B
Praise:Wickedly wonderful return bidder! A+++++and then some!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Dec 3 12:08:22 2013 seedsdaylily1382836076 B
Praise:Magnificent return bidder! So many thanks for bidding!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Dec 3 12:07:35 2013 seedsdaylily1382836558 B
Praise:Great bidder with excellent communication! Many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Dec 3 12:07:07 2013 seedsdaylily1383442611 B
Praise:Fantastic return customer! Among the best! Many thanks again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Dec 3 12:06:43 2013 seedsdaylily1383442707 B
Praise:Especially fantastic return bidder! Always a sincere pleasure! Many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Dec 3 12:06:20 2013 seedsdaylily1384051000 B
Praise:Cannot say enough good things about Red! A+++++!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Dec 3 12:05:33 2013 seedsdaylily1384654259 B
Praise:Bidder extraordinaire! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Dec 3 12:05:14 2013 seedsdaylily1384655523 B
Praise:Definately a step above the average bidder! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Dec 3 12:04:55 2013 seedsdaylily1384655782 B
Praise:Totally terrific auction participant! So many thanks again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Dec 3 12:04:32 2013 seedsdaylily1384656689 B
Praise:Magnificent return customer with excellent communication! Many thanks again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Dec 3 12:03:33 2013 seedsdaylily1383440738 B
Praise:Tremendously terrific return bidder! Thanks so much!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Dec 3 12:03:02 2013 seedsdaylily1384050821 B
Praise:Wonderful multiple bidder! Thank you so very much!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Dec 3 12:02:40 2013 seedsdaylily1384653570 B
Praise:Tremendously terrific return bidder! Thanks so much!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Dec 3 12:02:20 2013 seedsdaylily1384655165 B
Praise:Always a pleasure! Many thanks for bidding again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Dec 3 12:01:57 2013 seedsdaylily1385259019 B
Praise:Fantastically wonderful return bidder! Many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Dec 3 12:01:26 2013 seedsdaylily1385259646 B
Praise:Stunningly spectacular return customer! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Dec 3 12:01:05 2013 seedsdaylily1385259916 B
Praise:Magnificent return bidder! So many thanks for bidding!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Dec 3 12:00:27 2013 seedsdaylily1385260602 B
Praise:Fantastic return customer! Among the best! Many thanks again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Dec 3 11:59:50 2013 seedsdaylily1385260779 B
Praise:Most magnificent multiple bidder! Multiple thanks!
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Thu Nov 21 05:31:34 2013 seedsdaylily1384024231 B
Praise:excellent repeat customer-thank you!
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Thu Nov 21 05:31:34 2013 seedsdaylily1384024727 B
Praise:excellent repeat customer-thank you!
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Thu Nov 21 05:31:34 2013 seedsdaylily1384026844 B
Praise:excellent repeat customer-thank you!
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Thu Nov 21 05:31:34 2013 seedsdaylily1384634494 B
Praise:excellent repeat customer-thank you!
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Thu Nov 21 05:31:34 2013 seedsdaylily1384633699 B
Praise:excellent repeat customer-thank you!
Runningfox (4629) 1000-4999 Thu Nov 21 01:27:30 2013 seedsdaylily1379897525 B
Praise:thank you for your auction support, wishing you great seedlings!
Runningfox (4629) 1000-4999 Thu Nov 21 01:27:30 2013 seedsdaylily1384134336 B
Praise:thank you for your auction support, wishing you great seedlings!
Farawayflowers (3000) 1000-4999 Wed Nov 20 06:52:49 2013 seedsdaylily1383861672 B
Praise:Excellent customer
Farawayflowers (3000) 1000-4999 Wed Nov 20 06:52:49 2013 seedsdaylily1383764572 B
Praise:Excellent customer
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Nov 2 13:32:04 2013 seedsdaylily1381625896 B
Praise:Always a pleasure! Many thanks for bidding again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Nov 2 13:31:38 2013 seedsdaylily1381626091 B
Praise:Exquisitely estimable bidder! Many many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Nov 2 13:31:12 2013 seedsdaylily1381626184 B
Praise:Definately a step above the average bidder! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Nov 2 13:30:49 2013 seedsdaylily1381626115 B
Praise:Excellent multiple bidder! Multiple thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Nov 2 13:30:25 2013 seedsdaylily1381626784 B
Praise:Always a pleasure to do business with! Many thanks yet again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Nov 2 13:30:02 2013 seedsdaylily1381626967 B
Praise:Magnificent return customer! A+++++! Many many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Nov 2 13:29:04 2013 seedsdaylily1381627147 B
Praise:Stunningly spectacular return customer! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Nov 2 13:28:36 2013 seedsdaylily1381627432 B
Praise:Wonderful return customer! Many thanks again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Nov 2 13:28:11 2013 seedsdaylily1382230163 B
Praise:Magnificent return bidder! So many thanks for bidding!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Nov 2 13:27:42 2013 seedsdaylily1382230922 B
Praise:A distinctive pleasure to deal with! Many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Nov 2 13:27:19 2013 seedsdaylily1382231544 B
Praise:Fantastic bidder! Among the best! Many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Nov 2 13:26:56 2013 seedsdaylily1382231737 B
Praise:Most magnificently marvelous return customer! A+++++!
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Wed Oct 30 05:07:18 2013 seedsdaylily1382210939 B
Praise:always a pleasure-thank you!
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Wed Oct 30 05:07:18 2013 seedsdaylily1382211161 B
Praise:always a pleasure-thank you!
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Wed Oct 30 05:07:18 2013 seedsdaylily1382811557 B
Praise:always a pleasure-thank you!
Oldsage (2679) 1000-4999 Wed Oct 23 09:10:59 2013 seedsdaylily1380331903 B
Praise:Thanks for bidding! Excellent customer in every way. Seeds are en route.
Oldsage (2679) 1000-4999 Wed Oct 23 09:10:59 2013 seedsdaylily1381713823 B
Praise:Thanks for bidding! Excellent customer in every way. Seeds are en route.
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Wed Oct 16 19:57:47 2013 seedsdaylily1381004223 B
Praise:always a pleasure-thank you!
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Sat Aug 17 19:36:30 2013 seedsdaylily1376159722 B
Praise:Excellent repeat customer-thanks!
Locustsalsa (25671) Over 10000 Thu May 30 19:32:01 2013 seedsdaylily1361589182 S
Praise:nice seeds and count - thanks
Locustsalsa (25671) Over 10000 Thu May 30 19:32:01 2013 seedsdaylily1361663235 S
Praise:nice seeds and count - thanks
Locustsalsa (25671) Over 10000 Thu May 30 19:32:01 2013 seedsdaylily61361819215 S
Praise:nice seeds and count - thanks
Locustsalsa (25671) Over 10000 Thu May 30 19:32:01 2013 seedsdaylily141363153262 S
Praise:nice seeds and count - thanks
Locustsalsa (25671) Over 10000 Thu May 30 19:32:01 2013 seedsdaylily41361821350 S
Praise:nice seeds and count - thanks
Locustsalsa (25671) Over 10000 Thu May 30 19:32:01 2013 seedsdaylily221361734116 S
Praise:nice seeds and count - thanks
Nannanusa (973) 500-999 Mon May 20 17:43:13 2013 seedsdaylily1356389417 S
Bburley1092 (3136) 1000-4999 Mon May 13 08:08:25 2013 seedsdaylily201357676361 S
Praise:thank you for the great plants
Bburley1092 (3136) 1000-4999 Mon May 13 08:08:25 2013 seedsdaylily1356753604 S
Praise:thank you for the great plants
Bburley1092 (3136) 1000-4999 Mon May 13 08:08:25 2013 seedsdaylily1356847550 S
Praise:thank you for the great plants
Bburley1092 (3136) 1000-4999 Mon May 13 08:08:25 2013 seedsdaylily1357183875 S
Praise:thank you for the great plants
Bigredone (238) 50-499 Thu May 9 17:58:11 2013 seedsdaylily1357433918 S
Praise:Great seeds.
Spacecat3 (10267) Over 10000 Fri May 3 18:51:58 2013 seedsdaylily101357676361 S
Praise:nice healthy seeds, generous seed count and bonuses
Spacecat3 (10267) Over 10000 Fri May 3 18:51:58 2013 seedsdaylily21356576229 S
Praise:nice healthy seeds, generous seed count and bonuses
Spacecat3 (10267) Over 10000 Fri May 3 18:51:58 2013 seedsdaylily41357832000 S
Praise:nice healthy seeds, generous seed count and bonuses
Spacecat3 (10267) Over 10000 Fri May 3 18:51:58 2013 seedsdaylily1357172787 S
Praise:nice healthy seeds, generous seed count and bonuses
Spacecat3 (10267) Over 10000 Fri May 3 18:51:58 2013 seedsdaylily41357832858 S
Praise:nice healthy seeds, generous seed count and bonuses
Spacecat3 (10267) Over 10000 Fri May 3 18:51:58 2013 seedsdaylily51361208531 S
Praise:nice healthy seeds, generous seed count and bonuses
Spacecat3 (10267) Over 10000 Fri May 3 18:51:58 2013 seedsdaylily61360452928 S
Praise:nice healthy seeds, generous seed count and bonuses
Foolforabloom (1097) 1000-4999 Fri Apr 26 04:19:16 2013 seedsdaylily31363153262 S
Praise: ...........OK.........
Everbloomer (895) 500-999 Wed Apr 24 19:30:02 2013 seedsdaylily1358562762 S
Praise:As promised! Thanks for your patience!
Everbloomer (895) 500-999 Wed Apr 24 19:30:02 2013 seedsdaylily1358564023 S
Praise:As promised! Thanks for your patience!
Home_construction_freak (0) Sun Mar 31 12:27:15 2013 seedsdaylily1359167901 S
Praise:just a wonderful transaction. purchasing many more
Home_construction_freak (0) Sun Mar 31 12:27:15 2013 seedsdaylily1359168220 S
Praise:just a wonderful transaction. purchasing many more
Home_construction_freak (0) Sun Mar 31 12:27:15 2013 seedsdaylily151360429587 S
Praise:just a wonderful transaction. purchasing many more
Home_construction_freak (0) Sun Mar 31 12:27:15 2013 seedsdaylily1359167562 S
Praise:just a wonderful transaction. purchasing many more
Home_construction_freak (0) Sun Mar 31 12:27:15 2013 seedsdaylily1359167854 S
Praise:just a wonderful transaction. purchasing many more
Home_construction_freak (0) Sun Mar 31 12:27:15 2013 seedsdaylily1359168604 S
Praise:just a wonderful transaction. purchasing many more
Home_construction_freak (0) Sun Mar 31 12:27:15 2013 seedsdaylily121360452928 S
Praise:just a wonderful transaction. purchasing many more
Home_construction_freak (0) Sun Mar 31 12:27:15 2013 seedsdaylily251361814578 S
Praise:just a wonderful transaction. purchasing many more
Home_construction_freak (0) Sun Mar 31 12:27:15 2013 seedsdaylily201365379401 S
Praise:just a wonderful transaction. purchasing many more
Home_construction_freak (0) Sun Mar 31 12:26:34 2013 seedsdaylily1359168254 S
Praise:just a wonderful transaction. purchasing many more
Luckylash7 (21) 10-49 Wed Mar 27 10:54:28 2013 zmisc311362799417 S
Praise:great seller! seeds look great! I cant wait for them to sprout!!
Zionneo (269) 50-499 Tue Mar 26 15:28:34 2013 seedsdaylily1363562224 S
Praise:Very nice seeds. Fast shipment! Thanks.
Taylorschooldayliliy (170) 50-499 Tue Mar 26 13:29:01 2013 seedsdaylily11364441420 S
Taylorschooldayliliy (170) 50-499 Tue Mar 26 13:29:01 2013 seedsdaylily11365379401 S
Taylorschooldayliliy (170) 50-499 Tue Mar 26 13:29:01 2013 seedsdaylily21365379401 S
Red_fox (1708) 1000-4999 Wed Mar 20 21:27:33 2013 seedsdaylily1362534847 S
Praise:Received item. Very accurate Very satisfied Very quickly Very reasonable. Thanks
Red_fox (1708) 1000-4999 Wed Mar 20 21:27:33 2013 seedsdaylily251363153262 S
Praise:Received item. Very accurate Very satisfied Very quickly Very reasonable. Thanks
Roseyposy (363) 50-499 Mon Mar 18 05:52:18 2013 seedsdaylily71361208531 S
Praise:wow generous packet hope I have room for them all many thanks
Roseyposy (363) 50-499 Mon Mar 18 05:52:18 2013 seedsdaylily21361814578 S
Praise:wow generous packet hope I have room for them all many thanks
Roseyposy (363) 50-499 Mon Mar 18 05:52:18 2013 seedsdaylily1360459883 S
Praise:wow generous packet hope I have room for them all many thanks
Ellis (1421) 1000-4999 Sun Mar 17 14:24:46 2013 seedsdaylily11360452928 S
Praise:(¯`v´¯) ~ WONDERFUL SEEDS ~~ GREAT BONUSES ~ (¯`v´¯)
Ellis (1421) 1000-4999 Sun Mar 17 14:24:46 2013 seedsdaylily21361208531 S
Praise:(¯`v´¯) ~ WONDERFUL SEEDS ~~ GREAT BONUSES ~ (¯`v´¯)
Ellis (1421) 1000-4999 Sun Mar 17 14:24:46 2013 seedsdaylily11361819215 S
Praise:(¯`v´¯) ~ WONDERFUL SEEDS ~~ GREAT BONUSES ~ (¯`v´¯)
Ellis (1421) 1000-4999 Sun Mar 17 14:24:46 2013 seedsdaylily11361821350 S
Praise:(¯`v´¯) ~ WONDERFUL SEEDS ~~ GREAT BONUSES ~ (¯`v´¯)
Spuria (3746) 1000-4999 Sat Mar 9 11:19:02 2013 seedsdaylily1358476954 S
Praise:Exciting seeds! Love surprises and there are a lot of them here! Thanks
Incaman (255) 50-499 Fri Mar 8 22:43:32 2013 seedsdaylily61361814578 S
Praise:Seed arrived promptly and safely. Great bonuses. Thanks
Incaman (255) 50-499 Fri Mar 8 22:43:32 2013 seedsdaylily81361208531 S
Praise:Seed arrived promptly and safely. Great bonuses. Thanks
Incaman (255) 50-499 Fri Mar 8 22:43:32 2013 seedsdaylily21361819215 S
Praise:Seed arrived promptly and safely. Great bonuses. Thanks
Incaman (255) 50-499 Fri Mar 8 22:43:32 2013 seedsdaylily21361821350 S
Praise:Seed arrived promptly and safely. Great bonuses. Thanks
Hotpepper (64) 50-499 Fri Mar 8 11:18:38 2013 seedsdaylily51363153262 S
Praise:my friend was thrilled and amazed with the bonus seeds.made for great gift. tha
Txtrix (198) 50-499 Sun Mar 3 13:45:40 2013 seedsdaylily1360858538 S
Praise:thanks for bonus seeds, had great germination from last years seeds.
Alison (1563) 1000-4999 Tue Feb 26 13:00:51 2013 seedsdaylily1352601837 B
Praise:thanks again
Alison (1563) 1000-4999 Tue Feb 26 13:00:03 2013 seedsdaylily1357227256 B
Praise:thanks so much
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Tue Feb 26 06:53:29 2013 seedsdaylily1353802032 B
Praise:Always a pleasure to do business with Red. Thank you!
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Tue Feb 26 06:53:29 2013 seedsdaylily1354406320 B
Praise:Always a pleasure to do business with Red. Thank you!
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Tue Feb 26 06:53:29 2013 seedsdaylily1354408598 B
Praise:Always a pleasure to do business with Red. Thank you!
Jules (1042) 1000-4999 Tue Feb 26 06:36:42 2013 seedsdaylily21360125308 S
Praise:very good shipment: extras, bonus. prompt. THANKS A LOT
Seacrest (914) 500-999 Wed Feb 20 15:15:01 2013 seedsdaylily1359845965 S
Praise:Great seeds....Thanks for Bonus seeds...Would buy from again....++5 stars++
Seacrest (914) 500-999 Wed Feb 20 15:12:43 2013 seedsdaylily21359941115 S
Praise:Thanks for the great seeds & Bonus...Great buy...100% Satisfied...Thank you....
Daylilydawg (597) 500-999 Fri Feb 15 12:29:39 2013 seedsdaylily1357083693 S
Praise:Daylilydawg Great Seeds And VERY GENEROUS With BONUS Seeds! WOW!
Daylilydawg (597) 500-999 Fri Feb 15 12:29:39 2013 seedsdaylily1356320633 S
Praise:Daylilydawg Great Seeds And VERY GENEROUS With BONUS Seeds! WOW!
Daylilydawg (597) 500-999 Fri Feb 15 12:29:39 2013 seedsdaylily21356386430 S
Praise:Daylilydawg Great Seeds And VERY GENEROUS With BONUS Seeds! WOW!
Daylilydawg (597) 500-999 Fri Feb 15 12:29:39 2013 seedsdaylily1356400708 S
Praise:Daylilydawg Great Seeds And VERY GENEROUS With BONUS Seeds! WOW!
Daylilydawg (597) 500-999 Fri Feb 15 12:29:39 2013 seedsdaylily1356580905 S
Praise:Daylilydawg Great Seeds And VERY GENEROUS With BONUS Seeds! WOW!
Daylilydawg (597) 500-999 Fri Feb 15 12:29:39 2013 seedsdaylily111357676361 S
Praise:Daylilydawg Great Seeds And VERY GENEROUS With BONUS Seeds! WOW!
Daylilydawg (597) 500-999 Fri Feb 15 12:28:09 2013 seedsdaylily21356139917 S
Praise:Daylilydawg Great Seeds And VERY GENEROUS With BONUS Seeds! WOW!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 4 13:03:41 2013 seedsdaylily1358564049 B
Praise:Most excellent multiple bidder! Multiple thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 4 13:03:09 2013 seedsdaylily1358561228 B
Praise:Fantastic bidder! Among the best! Many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 4 13:02:42 2013 seedsdaylily1358561139 B
Praise:Wonderful multiple bidder! Thank you so very much!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 4 13:02:21 2013 seedsdaylily1358562376 B
Praise:Simply stupendous! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 4 13:01:56 2013 seedsdaylily1357959069 B
Praise:Better than your average bidder! Many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 4 13:01:37 2013 seedsdaylily1356144676 B
Praise:Totally terrific auction participant! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 4 13:00:48 2013 seedsdaylily1356142649 B
Praise:Fantastically wonderful return bidder! Many thanks!
Lolly (2324) 1000-4999 Thu Jan 31 08:17:45 2013 seedsdaylily11359130109 S
Praise:Seeds look great, and very generous bonus seeds! Thanks Rich!
Flowers4ever (45) 10-49 Thu Jan 24 17:55:29 2013 seedsdaylily1356582960 S
Praise:Absoutly Wonderful Seeds, ++++++++++++
Flowers4ever (45) 10-49 Thu Jan 24 17:55:29 2013 seedsdaylily141357676361 S
Praise:Absoutly Wonderful Seeds, ++++++++++++
Flowers4ever (45) 10-49 Thu Jan 24 17:55:29 2013 seedsdaylily51357832000 S
Praise:Absoutly Wonderful Seeds, ++++++++++++
Dutchman (287) 50-499 Thu Jan 24 08:38:22 2013 seedsdaylily21358391836 S
Praise:good service ,fine seeds great bonus
Dutchman (287) 50-499 Thu Jan 24 08:37:39 2013 seedsdaylily101359130109 S
Praise:good service ,fine seeds great bonus
Profwiz (2657) 1000-4999 Tue Jan 22 12:59:35 2013 seedsdaylily121357832000 S
Praise:The seeds look beautiful. Thank you for all the bonuses!
Cottosnag (2644) 1000-4999 Tue Jan 22 06:21:18 2013 seedsdaylily1357518534 B
Praise:Fast paying and return customer! Thanks!
Cottosnag (2644) 1000-4999 Tue Jan 22 06:21:18 2013 seedsdaylily1357519216 B
Praise:Fast paying and return customer! Thanks!
Lismarie (142) 50-499 Sat Jan 19 17:08:05 2013 seedsdaylily1356401542 S
Praise:terrific seeds - generous gifts - Thanks!!!
Lismarie (142) 50-499 Sat Jan 19 17:08:05 2013 seedsdaylily1356756678 S
Praise:terrific seeds - generous gifts - Thanks!!!
Emery (8424) 5000-9999 Wed Jan 2 06:31:11 2013 seedsdaylily21355708911 B
Praise:All paid up! Thanks Rich. A+++
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Dec 15 13:47:31 2012 seedsdaylily1354934010 B
Praise:Supersonic payment again! So many thanks again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Dec 15 13:47:31 2012 seedsdaylily1354935280 B
Praise:Supersonic payment again! So many thanks again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Dec 15 13:47:31 2012 seedsdaylily1355537292 B
Praise:Supersonic payment again! So many thanks again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Dec 15 13:47:31 2012 seedsdaylily1355539617 B
Praise:Supersonic payment again! So many thanks again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Dec 15 13:47:31 2012 seedsdaylily1355539884 B
Praise:Supersonic payment again! So many thanks again!
Mtmnh (1572) 1000-4999 Fri Dec 14 03:49:39 2012 seedsdaylily1353585345 B
Praise:Thanks Rich for your continued business!!!
Mtmnh (1572) 1000-4999 Fri Dec 14 03:44:35 2012 seedsdaylily1353593749 B
Praise:Good repeat customer on multiple wins +++++
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Thu Nov 29 03:29:02 2012 seedsdaylily1353723914 B
Praise:All around great bidder! A+++++ and then some! Many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Thu Nov 29 03:28:10 2012 seedsdaylily1353119974 B
Praise:Bidder par excellence! A+++++! Many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Thu Nov 29 03:27:42 2012 seedsdaylily1353119862 B
Praise:Marvelous multiple bidder with prompt payment! Thank you!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Thu Nov 29 03:27:17 2012 seedsdaylily1353118581 B
Praise:Most wonderful return bidder with speedy payment! Many thanks!
De (2763) 1000-4999 Mon Nov 26 14:59:50 2012 cultivarsgnew1349051797 B
Praise:Thank you for your fast payment and generous bid.John
De (2763) 1000-4999 Mon Nov 26 14:59:50 2012 cultivarsgnew1349050517 B
Praise:Thank you for your fast payment and generous bid.John
De (2763) 1000-4999 Mon Nov 26 14:59:50 2012 cultivarsgnew1349399663 B
Praise:Thank you for your fast payment and generous bid.John
De (2763) 1000-4999 Mon Nov 26 14:59:50 2012 cultivarsaintros1352255095 B
Praise:Thank you for your fast payment and generous bid.John
Cottosnag (2644) 1000-4999 Tue Nov 20 13:24:31 2012 seedsdaylily1352080578 B
Praise:Great customer-Thanks!
Cottosnag (2644) 1000-4999 Tue Nov 20 13:24:31 2012 seedsdaylily1352080851 B
Praise:Great customer-Thanks!
Earthstar (2699) 1000-4999 Mon Nov 19 16:41:51 2012 storespider11366661379 B
Praise:Great buyer. A+A+A+.
Earthstar (2699) 1000-4999 Mon Nov 19 16:41:51 2012 storeuf11366822042 B
Praise:Great buyer. A+A+A+.
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Nov 13 13:17:29 2012 seedsdaylily1351906524 B
Praise:Always a great pleasure to deal with! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Tue Nov 13 13:17:10 2012 seedsdaylily1351905382 B
Praise:Most magnificient multiple bidder! Multiple thanks!
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Tue Nov 13 11:01:24 2012 seedsdaylily1351971174 B
Praise:excellent repeat customer-thank you!
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Sun Oct 28 16:40:30 2012 seedsdaylily1350158328 B
Praise:Thanks for the bids! Excellent repeat customer!
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Sun Oct 28 16:40:30 2012 seedsdaylily1350763048 B
Praise:Thanks for the bids! Excellent repeat customer!
Spiderjoe (1000) 1000-4999 Sun Oct 14 06:33:39 2012 seedsdaylily1348976831 B
Praise:Thanks for your payment
Johnnyappleseed (1639) 1000-4999 Tue Oct 9 19:55:14 2012 cultivarsaintros1349566865 B
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Oct 8 04:33:19 2012 seedsdaylily1349485423 B
Praise:The perfect return bidder! A+++++! Thanks so much!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Oct 8 04:32:25 2012 seedsdaylily1348882246 B
Praise:Excellent communication and fast payment! Thanks so much again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Oct 8 04:32:02 2012 seedsdaylily1348882118 B
Praise:Most excellent multiple bidder with fast pay! Multiple thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Oct 8 04:31:27 2012 seedsdaylily1348881817 B
Praise:Great return customer. Always speedy prompt payment! Many thanks!
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Thu Oct 4 04:59:38 2012 seedsdaylily1348946578 B
Praise:Thanks for the bid and prompt payment!
Earthstar (2699) 1000-4999 Sat Sep 22 16:45:48 2012 cultivarshaspider1346807787 B
Praise:Excellent buyer and transaction. A+A+A+
Earthstar (2699) 1000-4999 Sat Sep 22 16:45:48 2012 seedsdaylily1347931126 B
Praise:Excellent buyer and transaction. A+A+A+
Miriam63 (304) 50-499 Fri Jun 22 21:00:16 2012 cultivarsgnew1325563133 S
Praise:Thank you for the timely shipping and good pants.
Robinmaine (795) 500-999 Tue May 22 17:57:20 2012 cultivarsaunder201325075251 S
Praise:Very nice healthy plant and beautiful bonus too! Thanks very much, Rich!
Dablaw (2699) 1000-4999 Sat May 5 13:30:12 2012 seedsdaylily1318123690 B
Praise:Thanks for your seed purchase!
Dablaw (2699) 1000-4999 Sat May 5 13:30:12 2012 seedsdaylily1318723993 B
Praise:Thanks for your seed purchase!
Dablaw (2699) 1000-4999 Sat May 5 13:30:12 2012 seedsdaylily1320006406 B
Praise:Thanks for your seed purchase!
Dablaw (2699) 1000-4999 Sat May 5 13:30:12 2012 seedsdaylily1320538839 B
Praise:Thanks for your seed purchase!
Dablaw (2699) 1000-4999 Sat May 5 13:30:12 2012 seedsdaylily1321151174 B
Praise:Thanks for your seed purchase!
Dablaw (2699) 1000-4999 Sat May 5 13:30:12 2012 seedsdaylily1321139160 B
Praise:Thanks for your seed purchase!
Dablaw (2699) 1000-4999 Sat May 5 13:30:12 2012 seedsdaylily1321139656 B
Praise:Thanks for your seed purchase!
Dablaw (2699) 1000-4999 Sat May 5 13:30:12 2012 seedsdaylily1321141787 B
Praise:Thanks for your seed purchase!
Dablaw (2699) 1000-4999 Sat May 5 13:30:12 2012 seedsdaylily1321142527 B
Praise:Thanks for your seed purchase!
Dablaw (2699) 1000-4999 Sat May 5 13:30:12 2012 seedsdaylily1321143583 B
Praise:Thanks for your seed purchase!
Dablaw (2699) 1000-4999 Sat May 5 13:30:12 2012 seedsdaylily1321143978 B
Praise:Thanks for your seed purchase!
Dablaw (2699) 1000-4999 Sat May 5 13:30:12 2012 seedsdaylily1322962047 B
Praise:Thanks for your seed purchase!
Dablaw (2699) 1000-4999 Sat May 5 13:30:12 2012 seedsdaylily1322962641 B
Praise:Thanks for your seed purchase!
Dablaw (2699) 1000-4999 Sat May 5 13:30:12 2012 seedsdaylily1322964138 B
Praise:Thanks for your seed purchase!
Irchr (58) 50-499 Tue Apr 24 17:10:10 2012 seedsdaylily1331441260 S
Praise:can't wait to see what the seeds will produce. Great offer.
Alison (1563) 1000-4999 Fri Apr 20 12:10:36 2012 seedsdaylily1324481245 B
Praise:thanks so much for your bids!A+++
Alison (1563) 1000-4999 Fri Apr 20 12:10:36 2012 seedsdaylily1326032496 B
Praise:thanks so much for your bids!A+++
Alison (1563) 1000-4999 Fri Apr 20 12:10:36 2012 seedsdaylily1326034553 B
Praise:thanks so much for your bids!A+++
Alison (1563) 1000-4999 Fri Apr 20 12:10:36 2012 seedsdaylily1326165823 B
Praise:thanks so much for your bids!A+++
Alison (1563) 1000-4999 Fri Apr 20 12:10:36 2012 seedsdaylily1326169317 B
Praise:thanks so much for your bids!A+++
1huwho (80) 50-499 Fri Apr 13 13:44:26 2012 seedsdaylily1331176540 S
Praise:Great seller super seeds nice bonus 35 of 37 have germinated so far Thanks!!!
Flower4645 (625) 500-999 Thu Apr 12 12:52:47 2012 seedsdaylily1324902748 S
Praise:great looking seeds, would order again
Flower4645 (625) 500-999 Thu Apr 12 12:52:47 2012 seedsdaylily1324902941 S
Praise:great looking seeds, would order again
Flower4645 (625) 500-999 Thu Apr 12 12:52:47 2012 seedsdaylily1324948177 S
Praise:great looking seeds, would order again
Flower4645 (625) 500-999 Thu Apr 12 12:52:47 2012 seedsdaylily1325005995 S
Praise:great looking seeds, would order again
Flower4645 (625) 500-999 Thu Apr 12 12:52:47 2012 seedsdaylily1325060602 S
Praise:great looking seeds, would order again
Flower4645 (625) 500-999 Thu Apr 12 12:52:47 2012 seedsdaylily1326084797 S
Praise:great looking seeds, would order again
Manx99 (116) 50-499 Fri Apr 6 05:58:06 2012 seedlings1332119237 S
Praise:WOW!!! Huge abundant daylily fans. Ultra healthy foliage & roots ! Generous!!
Mississippi_man (55) 50-499 Fri Mar 30 13:20:00 2012 seedlings1329624420 S
Praise:16 large clumps with at least 3 fans each, packed well, great communications.
Spuria (3746) 1000-4999 Sat Mar 24 05:20:29 2012 seedsdaylily1330473451 S
Praise:thank you.
Alison (1563) 1000-4999 Thu Mar 22 12:29:57 2012 seedsdaylily1328194010 B
Praise:thanks so much for your bids!A+++
Alison (1563) 1000-4999 Thu Mar 22 12:29:57 2012 seedsdaylily1328281776 B
Praise:thanks so much for your bids!A+++
Thomastwin (601) 500-999 Wed Mar 21 19:21:19 2012 seedsdaylily1330490281 S
Praise:Fast shipping, LOTS of extra seeds in the bags.
Thomastwin (601) 500-999 Wed Mar 21 19:21:19 2012 seedsdaylily1330600516 S
Praise:Fast shipping, LOTS of extra seeds in the bags.
Thomastwin (601) 500-999 Wed Mar 21 19:21:19 2012 seedsdaylily1330659337 S
Praise:Fast shipping, LOTS of extra seeds in the bags.
Clumboy (343) 50-499 Mon Mar 12 11:22:26 2012 seedsdaylily1330409395 B
Praise:always a pleasure talking daylilies with you, rich! enjoy your seeds, thanks!
Clumboy (343) 50-499 Mon Mar 12 11:22:26 2012 seedsdaylily1330409618 B
Praise:always a pleasure talking daylilies with you, rich! enjoy your seeds, thanks!
Clumboy (343) 50-499 Mon Mar 12 11:22:26 2012 seedsdaylily1330410831 B
Praise:always a pleasure talking daylilies with you, rich! enjoy your seeds, thanks!
Clumboy (343) 50-499 Mon Mar 12 11:22:26 2012 seedsdaylily1330411557 B
Praise:always a pleasure talking daylilies with you, rich! enjoy your seeds, thanks!
Clumboy (343) 50-499 Mon Mar 12 11:22:26 2012 seedsdaylily1330411823 B
Praise:always a pleasure talking daylilies with you, rich! enjoy your seeds, thanks!
Clumboy (343) 50-499 Mon Mar 12 11:22:26 2012 seedsdaylily1330412010 B
Praise:always a pleasure talking daylilies with you, rich! enjoy your seeds, thanks!
Clumboy (343) 50-499 Mon Mar 12 11:22:26 2012 seedsdaylily1330412808 B
Praise:always a pleasure talking daylilies with you, rich! enjoy your seeds, thanks!
Clumboy (343) 50-499 Mon Mar 12 11:22:26 2012 seedsdaylily1330458921 B
Praise:always a pleasure talking daylilies with you, rich! enjoy your seeds, thanks!
Clumboy (343) 50-499 Mon Mar 12 11:22:26 2012 seedsdaylily1330461189 B
Praise:always a pleasure talking daylilies with you, rich! enjoy your seeds, thanks!
Utpalakaraya (1268) 1000-4999 Wed Mar 7 19:43:10 2012 seedsdaylily1330300489 S
Praise:Thanks for extras and for extra-extras seeds!! Can't wait to see the Spiders!
Utpalakaraya (1268) 1000-4999 Wed Mar 7 19:41:48 2012 seedsdaylily1330316580 S
Praise:Thanks for bonus Spider seeds!
Lilydaydreamer (459) 50-499 Sun Feb 26 08:59:59 2012 seedsdaylily1327278783 S
Praise:Thank you so much for the very generous amount of seeds - they look great! AAA++
Mthrnatur (14406) Over 10000 Wed Feb 22 17:36:02 2012 seedsdaylily1328489209 B
Praise:Excellent communication and prompt payment--great buyer.
Mthrnatur (14406) Over 10000 Wed Feb 22 17:36:02 2012 seedsdaylily1329065315 B
Praise:Excellent communication and prompt payment--great buyer.
Mthrnatur (14406) Over 10000 Wed Feb 22 17:36:02 2012 seedsdaylily1329873598 B
Praise:Excellent communication and prompt payment--great buyer.
Emery (8424) 5000-9999 Fri Feb 17 19:34:19 2012 seedsdaylily1326667309 B
Praise:All paid up! Thanks Rich. A+++
Irchr (58) 50-499 Fri Feb 17 18:46:40 2012 seedsdaylily1326333019 S
Praise:great seeds and great service.
Lanaopal (182) 50-499 Sat Feb 11 10:20:33 2012 seedsdaylily1328147009 S
Praise:Thanks you for the extra seeds, Appreciate it greatly.
Lanaopal (182) 50-499 Sat Feb 11 10:20:33 2012 seedsdaylily1328402373 S
Praise:Thanks you for the extra seeds, Appreciate it greatly.
Johntgptx (891) 500-999 Mon Feb 6 16:15:45 2012 seedsdaylily1327755696 S
Praise:super great, thank you very much, PRAISE, PRAISE++THANK YOU FOR THE NICE BONUS!!
Screek (5122) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 6 09:13:14 2012 cultivarshaspider1327531937 B
Praise:Very Fast Payment THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lilydude (2119) 1000-4999 Sun Feb 5 17:27:32 2012 seedsdaylily1327274132 B
Praise:Great customer. Fast payment. Great to do business with. Thank you .
Daylilysquire (1458) 1000-4999 Sun Feb 5 09:28:30 2012 seedsdaylily21328407534 B
Praise:Fast Pay!! ...Thanks Rich.. ..Enjoy your seeds.
Considerthelilies (2529) 1000-4999 Wed Feb 1 17:30:34 2012 seedsdaylily1326847827 B
Praise:Thanks very much! Another quick payment for seeds! AAA+++
Considerthelilies (2529) 1000-4999 Wed Feb 1 17:30:34 2012 seedsdaylily1328062403 B
Praise:Thanks very much! Another quick payment for seeds! AAA+++
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 30 13:26:37 2012 seedsdaylily1325299794 B
Praise:Fantastically wonderful return customer! Thanks so very much!
Lighthousegal (5315) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 30 07:51:57 2012 seedsdaylily1325806107 B
Praise:Excellent customer, a pleasure to deal with. A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Lighthousegal (5315) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 30 07:51:57 2012 seedsdaylily1325807438 B
Praise:Excellent customer, a pleasure to deal with. A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Lighthousegal (5315) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 30 07:51:57 2012 seedsdaylily1326152351 B
Praise:Excellent customer, a pleasure to deal with. A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Lighthousegal (5315) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 30 07:51:57 2012 seedsdaylily1326412209 B
Praise:Excellent customer, a pleasure to deal with. A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Lighthousegal (5315) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 30 07:51:57 2012 seedsdaylily1327362364 B
Praise:Excellent customer, a pleasure to deal with. A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Lighthousegal (5315) 5000-9999 Mon Jan 30 07:51:57 2012 seedsdaylily1327622382 B
Praise:Excellent customer, a pleasure to deal with. A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Mthrnatur (14406) Over 10000 Sun Jan 29 17:26:07 2012 seedsdaylily1324517279 B
Praise:Great communication, good buyer.
Bburley1092 (3136) 1000-4999 Tue Jan 24 15:41:26 2012 seedlings1323122614 S
Praise:Thank you for the Great seeds and the extras
Bburley1092 (3136) 1000-4999 Tue Jan 24 15:41:26 2012 seedsdaylily1324985857 S
Praise:Thank you for the Great seeds and the extras
Bburley1092 (3136) 1000-4999 Tue Jan 24 15:41:26 2012 seedsdaylily1325011515 S
Praise:Thank you for the Great seeds and the extras
Bburley1092 (3136) 1000-4999 Tue Jan 24 15:41:26 2012 seedsdaylily1325007532 S
Praise:Thank you for the Great seeds and the extras
Bburley1092 (3136) 1000-4999 Tue Jan 24 15:41:26 2012 seedsdaylily1325221237 S
Praise:Thank you for the Great seeds and the extras
Bburley1092 (3136) 1000-4999 Tue Jan 24 15:41:26 2012 seedsdaylily1325221516 S
Praise:Thank you for the Great seeds and the extras
Bburley1092 (3136) 1000-4999 Tue Jan 24 15:41:26 2012 seedsdaylily1325312362 S
Praise:Thank you for the Great seeds and the extras
Bburley1092 (3136) 1000-4999 Tue Jan 24 15:41:26 2012 seedsdaylily1326057710 S
Praise:Thank you for the Great seeds and the extras
Putzer (464) 50-499 Tue Jan 24 14:05:36 2012 seedsdaylily1325278489 S
Praise:Thanks, Rich. Lots of extras and good service.
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 9 05:28:11 2012 seedsdaylily1320530636 B
Praise:Great communication, quick payment. A pleasure to do business with Red.
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 9 05:28:11 2012 seedsdaylily1322355275 B
Praise:Great communication, quick payment. A pleasure to do business with Red.
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 9 05:28:11 2012 seedsdaylily1322347645 B
Praise:Great communication, quick payment. A pleasure to do business with Red.
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 9 05:28:11 2012 seedsdaylily1322960881 B
Praise:Great communication, quick payment. A pleasure to do business with Red.
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 9 05:28:11 2012 seedsdaylily1322961896 B
Praise:Great communication, quick payment. A pleasure to do business with Red.
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 9 05:28:11 2012 seedsdaylily1322963013 B
Praise:Great communication, quick payment. A pleasure to do business with Red.
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 9 05:28:11 2012 seedsdaylily1322962961 B
Praise:Great communication, quick payment. A pleasure to do business with Red.
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 9 05:28:11 2012 seedsdaylily1323560570 B
Praise:Great communication, quick payment. A pleasure to do business with Red.
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 9 05:28:11 2012 seedsdaylily1323561866 B
Praise:Great communication, quick payment. A pleasure to do business with Red.
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 9 05:28:11 2012 seedsdaylily1324167431 B
Praise:Great communication, quick payment. A pleasure to do business with Red.
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 9 05:28:11 2012 seedsdaylily1324168502 B
Praise:Great communication, quick payment. A pleasure to do business with Red.
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 9 05:28:11 2012 seedsdaylily1324169786 B
Praise:Great communication, quick payment. A pleasure to do business with Red.
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 9 05:28:11 2012 seedsdaylily1324690240 B
Praise:Great communication, quick payment. A pleasure to do business with Red.
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 9 05:28:11 2012 seedsdaylily1324694342 B
Praise:Great communication, quick payment. A pleasure to do business with Red.
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 9 05:28:11 2012 seedsdaylily1324692245 B
Praise:Great communication, quick payment. A pleasure to do business with Red.
Johntgptx (891) 500-999 Tue Jan 3 17:48:16 2012 seedsdaylily1323830017 S
Annbrick (104) 50-499 Tue Jan 3 17:27:21 2012 seedsdaylily1322614440 B
Praise:Nice to work with. Thanks! A++
Txtrix (198) 50-499 Tue Jan 3 14:09:10 2012 seedsdaylily1324083088 S
Praise:looks great, thanks for the bonus!
Cottosnag (2644) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 2 05:24:18 2012 seedsdaylily1325297755 B
Praise:Fast paying-Great customer!!!
Cottosnag (2644) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 2 05:24:18 2012 seedsdaylily1325289651 B
Praise:Fast paying-Great customer!!!
Cottosnag (2644) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 2 05:24:18 2012 seedsdaylily1325291314 B
Praise:Fast paying-Great customer!!!
Cottosnag (2644) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 2 05:24:18 2012 seedsdaylily1325292216 B
Praise:Fast paying-Great customer!!!
Cottosnag (2644) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 2 05:24:18 2012 seedsdaylily1325292413 B
Praise:Fast paying-Great customer!!!
Cottosnag (2644) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 2 05:24:18 2012 seedsdaylily1325287199 B
Praise:Fast paying-Great customer!!!
Cottosnag (2644) 1000-4999 Mon Jan 2 05:24:18 2012 seedsdaylily1325295881 B
Praise:Fast paying-Great customer!!!
Lighthousegal (5315) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 15 16:30:39 2011 seedsdaylily1322524088 B
Praise:Thanks!!! A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Fri Dec 9 08:18:56 2011 seedsdaylily1322965094 B
Praise:Excellent communication and fast payment! Thanks so much!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Fri Dec 9 08:18:35 2011 seedsdaylily1321754287 B
Praise:Most excellent multiple bidder with fast pay! Multiple thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Fri Dec 9 08:18:14 2011 seedsdaylily1321147772 B
Praise:Wonderful return customer! Many thanks again!
Farawayflowers (3000) 1000-4999 Thu Dec 8 13:26:02 2011 seedsdaylily1321829555 B
Praise:Excellent Customer! Fast Pay!
Farawayflowers (3000) 1000-4999 Thu Dec 8 13:26:02 2011 seedsdaylily1321821318 B
Praise:Excellent Customer! Fast Pay!
Farawayflowers (3000) 1000-4999 Thu Dec 8 13:26:02 2011 seedsdaylily1321828973 B
Praise:Excellent Customer! Fast Pay!
Farawayflowers (3000) 1000-4999 Thu Dec 8 13:26:02 2011 seedsdaylily1323029509 B
Praise:Excellent Customer! Fast Pay!
Sscape (5223) 5000-9999 Tue Nov 22 10:33:56 2011 seedsdaylily21320455165 B
Praise:Super great customer!! Have a Happy Turkey Day!
Sscape (5223) 5000-9999 Tue Nov 22 10:33:56 2011 seedsdaylily21320452197 B
Praise:Super great customer!! Have a Happy Turkey Day!
Hostor (610) 500-999 Thu Nov 10 05:28:26 2011 seedsdaylily1318856222 B
Praise:Thanks again for your bids.AAAA++++ BUYER
Hostor (610) 500-999 Thu Nov 10 05:28:26 2011 seedsdaylily21318857969 B
Praise:Thanks again for your bids.AAAA++++ BUYER
Hostor (610) 500-999 Thu Nov 10 05:28:26 2011 seedsdaylily21318859742 B
Praise:Thanks again for your bids.AAAA++++ BUYER
Hostor (610) 500-999 Thu Nov 10 05:28:26 2011 seedsdaylily1318860836 B
Praise:Thanks again for your bids.AAAA++++ BUYER
Oldsage (2679) 1000-4999 Tue Nov 8 21:32:42 2011 seedsdaylily1319851657 B
Praise:Glad you found my auctions. Best of luck with the seeds. On their way!
Lighthousegal (5315) 5000-9999 Mon Nov 7 06:41:25 2011 seedsdaylily1320101755 B
Praise:Excellent customer, fast payment. A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Mthrnatur (14406) Over 10000 Sat Nov 5 19:16:24 2011 seedsdaylily1320280222 B
Praise:Great buyer--excellent communication and prompt payment. A+!
Emery (8424) 5000-9999 Sun Oct 23 19:55:36 2011 seedsdaylily21318466025 B
Praise:Couldn't be better.... Thanks Rich. A+++
Considerthelilies (2529) 1000-4999 Sun Oct 23 12:34:31 2011 seedsdaylily1318726958 B
Praise:Thanks bunches! Quick payment for seeds!
Bburley1092 (3136) 1000-4999 Tue Oct 4 17:28:56 2011 seedlings1293694107 S
Praise:Thank You For the great plants
Patchnpatch (1979) 1000-4999 Sun Jul 31 19:57:02 2011 seedsdaylily1295848797 B
Praise:thank you for your bids and prompt payment. A+++++
Freckles55 (790) 500-999 Thu Apr 21 11:51:52 2011 seedlings1300841397 S
Praise:Plants arrived in great shape! Many thanks for the extras!
Foxhatfarm (4) Mon Apr 18 15:57:11 2011 seedlings1298863200 S
Praise:Large healthy clumps, well packed- great seller, will buy from again- thanks!
Moismom (161) 50-499 Sat Apr 16 06:57:44 2011 seedlings1293995915 S
Praise:all i can say is WOW!!! excellent over-abundance of fans! couldn't be happier :)
Tenrodgers (0) Fri Apr 15 10:23:27 2011 seedlings1301361628 S
Praise:an amazing ammount of plants, well worth almost any bid u can make
Cottosnag (2644) 1000-4999 Sun Mar 6 05:41:22 2011 seedsdaylily1294020118 B
Praise:Great customer-Thanks!
Cottosnag (2644) 1000-4999 Sun Mar 6 05:06:51 2011 seedsdaylily1295828361 B
Praise:Great customer-Thanks!
Cottosnag (2644) 1000-4999 Sun Mar 6 05:03:26 2011 seedsdaylily1295830371 B
Praise:Great customer-Thanks!
Emery (8424) 5000-9999 Thu Mar 3 16:56:00 2011 seedsdaylily1298426806 B
Praise:All paid up! thanks Rich. A+++
Cedargrove2 (513) 500-999 Mon Jan 31 16:10:07 2011 seedsdaylily1295839661 B
Praise:Smooth transaction! Thanks so much!!
Spunky1 (6082) 5000-9999 Tue Oct 26 06:21:43 2010 cultivarshaspider1288061719 B
Praise:red, thanks for super fast pay
Jmbohland (74) 50-499 Sat May 15 10:38:09 2010 seedlings1273109712 S
Praise:Fantastic seller; highly recommended!
Bigredone (238) 50-499 Fri May 7 15:58:53 2010 seedlings1261702305 S
Praise:What a box of plants. Well worth the money.
Bburley1092 (3136) 1000-4999 Tue Apr 20 19:19:11 2010 seedlings1261702596 S
Praise:thank you for your time and help with the multiple wins
Ninamosha (3719) 1000-4999 Sun Apr 4 17:42:06 2010 seedlingsunbl1269739358 B
Praise:fast pay
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Tue Mar 23 12:43:34 2010 seedsdaylily1260745183 B
Praise:Thanks again for your business.
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Tue Mar 23 12:42:37 2010 seedsdaylily1263167426 B
Praise:Prompt payment. Thank you.
Patchnpatch (1979) 1000-4999 Thu Feb 25 14:05:47 2010 seedsdaylily1264221105 B
Praise:Quick response and payment. Many thanks for your bids and business! A+++++
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Sun Feb 14 21:31:52 2010 seedsdaylily1266086347 B
Praise:Thanks for all the bids Rich!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Mon Feb 8 07:20:58 2010 seedsdaylily1257562420 B
Praise:All around wonderful bidder! Thanks again!
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Sat Feb 6 19:25:19 2010 seedsdaylily1264881921 B
Praise:Excellent repeat customer! Thanks Rich!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Feb 6 09:36:16 2010 seedsdaylily1264299908 B
Praise:Super fantastic return customer with prompt payment and good communication!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Feb 6 09:35:28 2010 seedsdaylily1263092484 B
Praise:Happy to have return customers like Red! Thank you so very much!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Feb 6 09:34:52 2010 seedsdaylily1263090413 B
Praise:Great return customer! So many thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Feb 6 09:34:15 2010 seedsdaylily1261881512 B
Praise:Fantastic multiple bidder! Multiple thanks again and again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Feb 6 09:33:37 2010 seedsdaylily1261879786 B
Praise:Always a sincere pleasure to do business with!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Feb 6 09:33:03 2010 seedsdaylily1261189753 B
Praise:Bidder beyond compare! A+++++!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Feb 6 09:32:28 2010 seedsdaylily1260585603 B
Praise:Wonderful multiple bidder with good communication! Thanks again!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Feb 6 09:31:48 2010 seedsdaylily1260584411 B
Praise:Most excellent multiple bidder! Multiple thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Sat Feb 6 09:31:14 2010 seedsdaylily1259979487 B
Praise:Prompt payment from great return customer! Many thanks!
Tree_climber (2126) 1000-4999 Sat Feb 6 06:59:05 2010 seedsdaylily1264295564 B
Praise:Great Customer ! Quick Payment and Good Communications. Thank You.
William (1551) 1000-4999 Tue Jan 26 14:17:54 2010 seedsdaylily21263165026 B
Praise:Thanks Rich for the fast payment.
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Sun Jan 17 15:35:05 2010 seedsdaylily1263073168 B
Praise:Hope you get some nice seedlings!
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Sun Jan 17 15:34:55 2010 seedsdaylily1263073033 B
Praise:Always prompt payment-thanks !
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Sun Jan 17 15:34:31 2010 seedsdaylily1263066976 B
Praise:thanks for all the bids Rich!
Pollen5 (2740) 1000-4999 Fri Jan 15 18:07:25 2010 seedsdaylily1261955035 B
Praise:Thank you for the fast payment. Another win, Thank you for buying from us!
Pollen5 (2740) 1000-4999 Fri Jan 15 18:07:02 2010 seedsdaylily1261955026 B
Praise:Thank you for bidding on our auctions. Another winner!
Pollen5 (2740) 1000-4999 Fri Jan 15 18:06:30 2010 seedsdaylily1261954569 B
Praise:Thank you for bidding on our auctions again this year.
Spiderfan (1743) 1000-4999 Wed Jan 6 05:34:51 2010 seedsdaylily1260834453 B
Praise:Thanks for all the bids & prompt payment!
Spiderfan (1743) 1000-4999 Wed Jan 6 05:34:13 2010 seedsdaylily1260467678 B
Praise:Fast payment by PayPal, Thanks!
Spiderfan (1743) 1000-4999 Wed Jan 6 05:34:03 2010 seedsdaylily1260835138 B
Praise:Fast payment by PayPal, Thanks!
Spiderfan (1743) 1000-4999 Wed Jan 6 05:33:51 2010 seedsdaylily1261154188 B
Praise:Fast payment by PayPal, Thanks!
Spiderfan (1743) 1000-4999 Wed Jan 6 05:33:38 2010 seedsdaylily1260467568 B
Praise:Excellent bidder!
Spiderfan (1743) 1000-4999 Wed Jan 6 05:33:18 2010 seedsdaylily1260553552 B
Praise:Excellent bidder!
Spiderfan (1743) 1000-4999 Wed Jan 6 05:33:00 2010 seedsdaylily1261152571 B
Praise:Excellent bidder!
Spiderfan (1743) 1000-4999 Wed Jan 6 05:32:47 2010 seedsdaylily1261157312 B
Praise:Excellent bidder!
Spiderfan (1743) 1000-4999 Wed Jan 6 05:32:24 2010 seedsdaylily1260462594 B
Praise:Quick payment with paypal,Thanks!
Spiderfan (1743) 1000-4999 Wed Jan 6 05:32:11 2010 seedsdaylily1260815102 B
Praise:Quick payment with paypal,Thanks!
Spiderfan (1743) 1000-4999 Wed Jan 6 05:31:53 2010 seedsdaylily1261152834 B
Praise:Quick payment with paypal,Thanks!
Spiderfan (1743) 1000-4999 Wed Jan 6 05:31:42 2010 seedsdaylily1261157789 B
Praise:Quick payment with paypal,Thanks!
Spiderfan (1743) 1000-4999 Wed Jan 6 05:30:58 2010 seedsdaylily1260465223 B
Praise:Thanks for your support of my seed auctions!
Spiderfan (1743) 1000-4999 Wed Jan 6 05:30:42 2010 seedsdaylily1260815284 B
Praise:Thanks for your support of my seed auctions!
Spiderfan (1743) 1000-4999 Wed Jan 6 05:30:26 2010 seedsdaylily1261153183 B
Praise:Thanks for your support of my seed auctions!
Spiderfan (1743) 1000-4999 Wed Jan 6 05:30:11 2010 seedsdaylily1261157904 B
Praise:Thanks for your support of my seed auctions!
Earthstar (2699) 1000-4999 Tue Jan 5 06:12:41 2010 seedsdaylily21259537962 B
Praise:Great buyer. A+A+A+. Thank you.
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Sun Jan 3 10:09:45 2010 seedsdaylily1261853367 B
Praise:Prompt payment-thanks Rich!
Pondsidegardens (6383) 5000-9999 Sat Jan 2 00:27:46 2010 seedsdaylily1261795898 B
Praise:Great client in every way - Thanks Rich! Hope for more next seed season!
Mtmnh (1572) 1000-4999 Sat Dec 26 19:08:09 2009 seedsdaylily1260572079 B
Praise:Thanks again for your business Rich! Great Customer!!!!
Mtmnh (1572) 1000-4999 Sat Dec 26 19:07:20 2009 seedsdaylily1260569523 B
Praise:Super Customer!!!! Great Communicator!!! Fast Pay!!! Tops!!!!!!
Pondsidegardens (6383) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 17 15:56:00 2009 seedsdaylily1260663529 B
Praise:Wonderful client! Thank you for your ongoing business! You're appreciated!
Pondsidegardens (6383) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 17 15:55:49 2009 seedsdaylily11261309618 B
Praise:Wonderful client! Thank you for your ongoing business! You're appreciated!
Pondsidegardens (6383) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 17 15:55:41 2009 seedsdaylily1260500691 B
Praise:Wonderful client! Thank you for your ongoing business! You're appreciated!
Pondsidegardens (6383) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 17 15:55:25 2009 seedsdaylily1260273407 B
Praise:Wonderful client! Thank you for your ongoing business! You're appreciated!
Pondsidegardens (6383) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 17 15:55:12 2009 seedsdaylily1260161331 B
Praise:Wonderful client! Thank you for your ongoing business! You're appreciated!
Pondsidegardens (6383) 5000-9999 Thu Dec 17 15:54:59 2009 seedsdaylily1260141211 B
Praise:Wonderful client! Thank you for your ongoing business! You're appreciated!
Pondsidegardens (6383) 5000-9999 Wed Nov 25 02:02:07 2009 seedsdaylily31258837297 B
Praise:Great returning client! Thanks so much for your continued interest in my crosses
Flamingo (421) 50-499 Mon Jun 8 13:41:40 2009 seedlings1233839797 S
Praise:There were so many plants in this box I felt like I should send Rich more money!
Flamingo (421) 50-499 Mon Jun 8 13:41:02 2009 seedlings1233855604 S
Praise:Incredibly generous-sized plants plus bonuses!! What a deal I got!
Dmartin2004 (5) Tue Jun 2 07:02:39 2009 seedlings1241337427 S
Praise:very nice looking seedlings well packed fast delivery and good communication thx
Plarsen (1071) 1000-4999 Mon Apr 27 06:10:03 2009 seedsdaylily1239168540 S
Praise:Man ....this seller rocks!
Plarsen (1071) 1000-4999 Mon Apr 27 06:08:25 2009 seedsdaylily1239687052 S
Praise:I received more than twice what I won..great seller!
Plarsen (1071) 1000-4999 Mon Apr 27 06:07:26 2009 seedsdaylily1239677280 S
Praise:This seller is fantastic...sent me a huge bonus!
Hemehead (162) 50-499 Sat Apr 25 16:22:12 2009 seedlings1234061157 S
Praise:Thank You for the nice plants! Great to add them to my collection
Lilydaydreamer (459) 50-499 Thu Apr 23 18:01:49 2009 seedlings1239676557 S
Praise:Extremely pleased with seedlings. Very healthy large clumps.
Lilydaydreamer (459) 50-499 Thu Apr 23 18:01:06 2009 seedlings1237254054 S
Praise:WOW! Much more than 12 seedlings all clumps! Thank you!
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Sat Mar 14 05:01:57 2009 seedsdaylily1229303464 B
Praise:Wonderful to do business with Rich. Thanks again!
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Sat Mar 14 05:01:32 2009 seedsdaylily1231123881 B
Praise:Multiple wins, multiple thanks!
Kivariver (3386) 1000-4999 Sat Mar 14 05:01:00 2009 seedsdaylily1235353740 B
Praise:Prompt payment and lovely communication. Thanks so much!
Clumboy (343) 50-499 Fri Mar 6 13:50:51 2009 seedsdaylily1232742987 B
Praise:very nice new customer--thanks so much, rich!
Rich (16762) Over 10000 Tue Feb 24 19:31:23 2009 seedsdaylily1235262256 B
Praise:fast payment and good communication-thanks Rich!
Patchnpatch (1979) 1000-4999 Thu Feb 5 10:05:21 2009 seedsdaylily1232860140 B
Praise:Quick to respond and send payment. Many thanks! A+++++
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Wed Feb 4 09:25:48 2009 seedsdaylily1232850096 B
Praise:Excellent multiple bidder! Multiple thanks!
Daredevil (5236) 5000-9999 Wed Feb 4 09:25:32 2009 seedsdaylily1232851783 B
Praise:Prompt payment, many thanks!
Dwm (2561) 1000-4999 Sun Jan 25 17:34:51 2009 seedsdaylily1229824853 B
Praise:Thanks Rich!!
Lily (296) 50-499 Wed Jan 7 01:42:40 2009 seedsdaylily1226918773 B
Praise:Great customer. Prompt payment! Thank you!
Abundantdaylilies (29509) Over 10000 Tue Jan 6 15:03:45 2009 cultivarshaspider1225563115 B
Praise:Wow fast pay! ***** Hope you win many more auctions from Abundantdaylilies.
Pollen5 (2740) 1000-4999 Sun Jan 4 18:11:11 2009 seedsdaylily1228697975 B
Praise:Thank you bidding on our auctions. Multiple wins!!
Pollen5 (2740) 1000-4999 Sun Jan 4 18:10:39 2009 seedsdaylily1228103579 B
Praise:Thank you for bidding on our auctions!
Cataddict (859) 500-999 Sat Jan 3 05:31:24 2009 seedsdaylily1228095602 B
Praise:Payment received. Thank you very mich.
Pondsidegardens (6383) 5000-9999 Sat Dec 20 07:23:59 2008 seedsdaylily1228085224 B
Praise:Wonderful to have this client back again-hope for many more great auctions!
Patchnpatch (1979) 1000-4999 Fri Dec 19 16:54:36 2008 seedsdaylily1227512593 B
Praise:Thank you for your business and communications. Happy Holidays
Pondsidegardens (6383) 5000-9999 Sat Nov 22 10:53:06 2008 seedsdaylily1226142119 B
Praise:Wonderful to have this client!
Frstbrn24 (174) 50-499 Thu Oct 16 12:59:02 2008 seedsdaylily1223846015 B
Praise:Many thanks for a perfect transaction! Hope to do business again :)
Spindie (45) 10-49 Wed Jun 4 11:52:18 2008 seedlings1211859619 S
Praise:Beautiful Plants , great shipping , LOTS of plants ,plus bonues seedlings,A1 A1+
Crm (182) 50-499 Wed May 28 05:30:28 2008 seedlings1210246246 S
Praise:great plants
Lighthousegal (5315) 5000-9999 Sat May 17 05:16:39 2008 seedsdaylily1210299014 B
Praise:Excellent customer. A+++++++++++++++++++++
Lighthousegal (5315) 5000-9999 Sat May 17 05:16:05 2008 seedsdaylily1210299667 B
Praise:Excellent customer. A+++++++++++++++++++++++
Lighthousegal (5315) 5000-9999 Sat May 17 05:15:38 2008 seedsdaylily1210122078 B
Praise:Excellent customer. A++++++++++++++++++++++
Mbexplorer (2450) 1000-4999 Mon Apr 28 15:30:30 2008 seedsdaylily1207543645 S
Praise:Great communication and quick delivery! Great bonus seeds, THX Red.
Sunsetblossoms (235) 50-499 Wed Apr 23 14:41:45 2008 seedsdaylily1207625371 S
Praise:Great looking seeds!! Healthy and fast!! Great to do business with!!!!
Malvacea (2306) 1000-4999 Fri Apr 18 19:48:31 2008 seedsdaylily1207057689 S
Praise:very nice and thanks so much!!
Sunsetblossoms (235) 50-499 Mon Apr 14 17:01:34 2008 seedsdaylily1207091038 S
Praise:Great looking seeds!! Healthy and fast!! Great to do business with!!!!
Dwm (2561) 1000-4999 Sun Mar 23 12:18:30 2008 seedsdaylily1205711859 B
Praise:Thanks again Rich!!! Good communications and quick payer too!!!
Dwm (2561) 1000-4999 Sun Mar 9 14:58:55 2008 seedsdaylily1204420412 B
Praise:Repeat buyer too! Thanks again!!!
Dwm (2561) 1000-4999 Sun Mar 9 14:58:13 2008 seedsdaylily1204421211 B
Praise:Thanks again Rich!!
Dwm (2561) 1000-4999 Sun Mar 9 14:56:39 2008 seedsdaylily1205026242 B
Praise:Multiple auction winner - very keen!! Thanks Rich!!!
Dwm (2561) 1000-4999 Sun Mar 9 14:55:14 2008 seedsdaylily1205026873 B
Praise:Should be a good cross for northern rebloom. Thanks again Rich!!
Dwm (2561) 1000-4999 Sun Mar 9 14:54:28 2008 seedsdaylily1205027521 B
Praise:Great communication & fast pay!! Thanks Rich
Dwm (2561) 1000-4999 Sun Mar 9 14:53:51 2008 seedsdaylily1205028056 B
Praise:Welcome to the auction Rich!!!!!!

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